Apartman 2 A4+2


Ppartmán se nachází v zátoce, 5 m do moře. Možnost užívání si klidu a ticha. Vhodné pro děti.Parkování pro hosty.

icon Praha » Rogoznica 995km
10h 33min


amenities icons Terasa
amenities icons Klimatizácia
amenities icons TV+SAT
amenities icons Chladnička
amenities icons Sporák
amenities icons Kanvica
amenities icons Gril
Město: Rogoznica
Region: Sibenik


Viktoriia Tel: +385955471912 Mob: +385955471912
V katalógu od 2012.

Majiteľ hovorí:


7 EUR/day


Záloha je 30% z ceny
Možnosti platby:
Bankovní převod

Ceny a dostupnosť

Ubytovací jednotka:
K dispozícii Zarezervované

Předběžná cena:

0 EUR /pobyt
Cena je uvedená za 2 Dospelých, a 15 dni
Cena je uvedená za 4+2 osôb a 11 dni
Vlastník nezadal cenu za vybraný termín

Vybraný termín je příliš krátký! Minimální pošet nocí je 0!

Je možné že uvedený poèet osob nebude možné ubytovat (překrošena kapacita)!

Příplatky za osoby navíc již v ceně.


Hodnotenie hostí

Veľmi zlé 1/5

Hodnotenie na základe 1 recenzií


Muhamed Omerbegovic

Veľmi zlé
Zostal v A6+2
Júla 2023 | Vložené: 31.7.2023

unfortunately the apartment was not how it appeared in the photos. Actually, it was horrible for that price.... when we arrived for the first time, the apartment had a smell of mold. The apartment was extremely dirty, we had to kill three centipedes throughout our stay. One of the biggest problems was the toilet. The plumber that owner sent didnt fix the problem at all we had to go and buy a bucket to pour water from the shower into the toilet. The toilet brush was absolutely disgusting, I have never seen a toilet brush that filthy, it was completely brown and had a stench coming from it. Hundreds of years ago people used a bucket to flush the toilet but never in the 21st century. At first the ac wasnt working. The matresses were very bad quality and uncomfortable. Some of the pillows in rooms had a stench of sweat on them showing that they were not cleaned. The tv didnt have a single channel on it. I accepted your price with it being higher than all of the similar listings in the area because I thought I was going to get the highest quality because I had a special guest from the USA, but instead it was shit. I would not recommend this apartment to my worst enemy.